
2021-04-20 16:16:41    来源:中国头脑奥林匹克官方网   



1、Oct 6, 2020

Program Guide, Page 38 - (16): For the 2020-2021 Odyssey of the Mind Program Year,   pre-recorded visuals and pre-recorded audio are not allowed to be included in   team performances. Virtual/Online competition performances, as a whole, will   be recorded within the rules.


2、Oct 13, 2020

Program Guide, Page 38 - (16) & update to   Clarification of Oct 6, 2020: Pre-recorded audio created by or featuring the   team is prohibited. Commercially available audio recordings not created by   the team are allowed to be used in the performance.


3、Nov 18, 2020

Virtual Tournament Procedures:The use of virtual   backgrounds is not allowed with one exception: if the team creates a physical   background it may be converted into a virtual background shared by other team   members. However, one team member must use the original background during the   performance.



4、Jan 5, 2021

Virtual Tournament Procedures – The Required Video for   All Teams: The 8-minute performance portion must be a continuous and   unaltered recording, but cameras used within the single recording may be   turned on or off as the team chooses, provided that the recording remains   continuous. At no time may the recording of all cameras stop until the end of   the performance.

线上比赛规则(仅适用于世界决赛) – 所有参赛队都需要提交的总时长15分钟的视频:8分钟的表演部分必须是一个连续的且未剪辑的录制,但是除表演部分外的其他部分镜头可以随意开关,只要表演部分的镜头保持连续不断。表演部分的任何时段直至表演结束,镜头始终都必须保持打开。

5、Jan 6, 2021

Virtual Tournament Procedures - For ALL performances   submitted through recorded video: The setup may be in place when the   performance begins. This applies to all teams that are, and those that are   not, allowed to be together when performing their solution.

线上比赛规则(仅适用于世界决赛) – 针对所有提交录制视频的表演:在表演开始时,场景布置可以已经就位。这个规则适用于所有的参赛队,无论他们是否在一起表演他们的解题方案。

Problem 2: Virtual Odyssey


1、Jan 18, 2021 

B7 & B12 -   The effects: The three required technical effects do not include the   special effect. These three required effects must take place when the   performance is in a Virtual Reality World setting. The special effect may be   technical but does not need to be technical. The special effect does not   count as one of the three required technical effects and must take place in   the real world as the performance is moving into the Virtual Reality World.

B7&B12 – 技术效果:三个要求的技术效果不包括特殊效果。这三个要求的技术效果必须发生在表演中的虚拟的现实世界场景中。特效可以是技术型的但不是必须。特效不算作三个要求的技术效果中的一个并且必须发生在现实世界,当表演正要转入虚拟的现实世界的时候。

Problem 3: Classics… OMER and the Beanstalk


1、Jan 5, 2021

B11 - The two artistic representations: If teams use illustrated versions of their chosen   story/stories, one or both of the chosen artistic representations may be   based on an object depicted in that illustrated version or mentioned in the   story. Teams should be prepared to provide judges with an example of that   depiction. In-person teams may bring the source material to competition and   virtual teams must include a photo of the depiction as one of the allowed   images to be submitted.

B11 – 两个艺术呈现:如果参赛队在选择故事时使用了插图绘本,那么艺术呈现可以基于绘本里的插图或是故事中的描述。参赛队应当准备好将艺术呈现所还原的东西的资料提供给裁判。线下比赛可以将资料带给裁判,而线上比赛的参赛队必须将所还原东西的照片上传。

2、Jan 6, 2021

F1 - Creative   use of a round object: The round object must be circular in one or more   dimensions.

F1 – 创造性地使用一个圆形物体:圆形物体必须在一个或多个维度是圆的。

Problem 4: It’s a Trap!


1、Nov 18, 2020

B6h - The Structure: In addition to previously existing problem limitations, the structure   base and top contact points must fit entirely within a 8" x 8"   (20.3cm x 20.3cm) square.


2、Dec 9, 2020

B11c - Structure resting in place: The structure must remain stationary during the   attempts to trap the object. Team members are not allowed to touch the   structure during the attempts. The structure may be in contact with one or   more objects during the attempts to trap but the team members are not allowed   to contact, directly or indirectly, the structure or objects touching the   structure.


3、Dec 9, 2020

B11b. - (Virtual competitions only) Form of the   structure: The structure has to   successfully trap an object before being tested. The structure does not have   to be in its weight-held form when trapping the object. However, the   structure must be returned to its weight held form in the performance.


4、Dec 9, 2020

B11 - The structure trapping the moving object: The exact same structure used within the team's   virtual or online performance video must be delivered to the tournament's   testing location for weight-held testing and scoring.


5、Dec 31, 2020 

B6c, B11b, & D4b - Structure trapping an object: Nothing may be added, attached, or connected to the   structure at any time to help it trap the moving object. Other materials may   be used only in the process to propel the moving object and they must not   touch the structure and must not touch the object when it contacts the   structure.

B6c,B11b&D4b   – 结构设陷阱捕捉一个物体:任何东西在任何时候都不能被添加、附着或连接到结构上来帮助它捕捉移动的物体。其他材料只能在推动移动的物体时使用,并且它们不能触碰结构,也不能在物体接触到结构时再触碰物体。

6、Jan 19, 2021

B13b - the narrator character announces trapping the   object: The Narrator Character must   announce an attempt to trap the object. The announcement must begin before   the object is trapped and may conclude once the object is trapped or the   attempt is over.

B13b – 旁白角色宣布正在捕捉物体:旁白角色必须宣布一次设陷阱捕捉物体的尝试。宣布必须开始于物体被捕捉之前,并持续至物体被捕捉或尝试结束时。

7、Jan 19, 2021

B11b, B11e, Clarification from December 9, 2020 -   Trapping before weight placement: For all tournaments and types of tournaments the structure is not   eligible for weight held score unless it has made at least one attempt to   trap an object.

B11b,B11e,2020年12月9日的问题澄清   – 在承重测试前设陷阱捕捉物体:在所有形式的比赛中,结构在完成至少一次尝试捕捉物体之前都不能开始承重测试。

8、Jan 25, 2021

Clarification of Dec 9, 2021 – The structure: For recorded performances, teams may submit the same   unaltered video for the next level of competition. If they do, officials will   use the weigh-in and weight-held information from the completed competition   and apply that information for the next tournament level. They may not submit   a new structure to be tested because it will not have appeared in the   performance. Teams that choose to alter and record another performance when   progressing to another level of competition must submit a new structure to be   tested for weight held. For every level of competition one of the allowed   pictures must be one that shows the entire structure.

2020年12月9日的问题澄清 – 结构(仅适用于世界决赛):对于视频录制的表演,在晋级到下一轮比赛时参赛队可以上传同一个视频。如果是这样的话,裁判将使用前一次比赛时的称重区信息以及承重量作为下一轮比赛的成绩。参赛队不能够使用一个新的结构因为这跟视频中的结构不是同一个。参赛队如果在进入下一轮比赛时想要改变并重新拍摄视频,那他们必须提交一个全新的结构来进行测试。在每一个阶段的比赛中,参赛队都必须提供一张展示完整结构的照片。

Problem 5: Superhero Socks: A Cliffhanger Beginning


1、Nov 18, 2020

Style F2 - Rubber bands: To qualify as allowed rubber bands, they must be available in a   commercially produced package that identifies with the wording "rubber   bands." No other stretchable objects qualify.

风格F2- 橡皮筋:只有商业生产且包装上注明“橡皮筋”的情况下才认定是被允许使用的橡皮筋。其他任何可以拉伸的物体都不符合条件。

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